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You’re here for a reason



HYPNOTHERAPIST | Ceremonialist

Let’s begin our journey

You’re in the right place

Welcome! I’m Alli, I truly believe that each of us has the raw potential to create the biggest and juiciest life of our dreams.  A life where we show up and shine as the powerful and sacred beings that we are.

Do you feel stuck, disconnected, or that you have “checked all the boxes” but yearn to feel alive and in love with life? Now is the time to return to the depths of your heart.

Are you living your highest, most soul filled life? Find out more


A little about


Through nature based ritual and a tapestry of healing arts and hypnotherapy, I create safe and  nurturing spaces for you to connect with the sacred within you,  your own healing potential and the magic of your own presence.

Ceremony is a simple and profound way to help wake us up to our own internal wisdom, while at the same time aligning with the all that is happening in the universe and our divine place within it. Stepping into ceremony is to connect to your deepest desires and conscious intentions and bring them into communion with the planet.



Vancouver Island

I am based in Vancouver Island but through the wonderful power of the internet I can reach you across the globe.

Think...of the world you carry within you
— Rainer Maria Rilke